Mocha Express
Thought provoking commentary on
Business, Technology, Organizations, and Organizational Dynamics
to clarify my thinking and engage in intelligent conversation.

Commentaries on Business, Technology, and Organizations

Everyday there are numerous examples of interesting views and ideas that flow across my screen. These commentaries are written to help me capture those ideas, clarify my thoughts about them, and engage in conversation about the ideas and concepts.

Should you wish to have a discussion, I will be adding a "discussion area".

Most of the entry are "raw data" and reactions and do not necessarily represent the views of the author!

Browse the Library  Commentaries

How to !!Succeed!! in STP
   -> Seattle to Portland Bicycle event:
      200 miles, 1 day


What To Do for Riding 200 Miles in One Day

These are the books I wish I had when I started riding more than 20 miles at a time on my bicycle.
I succeeded (barely) and this is what I learned!

If you want to see it all, be sure to "pay the piper"

Browse the Library  STP

The Game (of life) is Rigged!
especially against Women.

Where does a 600 lb gorilla sit?
...and where is Betty Boop allowed to sit?

Wearing a burka to swim? How can anyone do "business" if their face is hidden? Why is "winning is the only thing" for guys but women are "sugar and spice and everything nice"?

If you want to see it all, be sure to "pay the piper"

Browse the Library  The Game is Rigged

Recent Commentaries
in all sections

Commentary: Elucidate - December 22, 2016
9  Ice Age Survival
Commentary: Elucidate - September 22, 2016
8  Ice Core TimeLine Munge
Commentary: Elucidate - June 23, 2016
7   Why did Agriculture Start 13,000 years ago
Commentary: Elucidate - June 15, 2016
6  BBC Propaganda, again
Commentary: Elucidate - June 10, 2016
5  BBC - Propaganda
Commentary: Elucidate - March 23, 2016
4  Finches: Urban Ones Smart??
Commentary: FreeRange - June 23, 2015
  Solar CME: "All Circuits Are Busy"
STP: MudSplats - June 20, 2015
4.5  Hydration Bowel Cleansing
STP: WTF - April 21, 2015
1  Introduction: WTF
STP: WTF - April 20, 2015
4  Eat Before Hungry??
STP: WTF - April 20, 2015
9  Have Fun!
STP: WTF - April 20, 2015
8  Everything Else
STP: WTF - April 20, 2015
7  Training and Conditioning
STP: WTF - April 19, 2015
3  Heart Of The Matter
STP: WTF - April 18, 2015
5  Drink Before Thirsty???
STP: WTF - April 18, 2015
6  Salt?
Carpe Diem: What you can envision, you can achieve!sm
If you like this or found something useful/educational, be sure to pay the piper.
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