Lying with statistics?
Repeating the mistakes of the past?
Level IV ignorance and complete certainty?
Yes, the news is full of these things, even if they are buried in the weeds.
This book captures the shenanigans and cluelessness of some folk.
It also serves as the repository of the data and information for the pensieve I am developing.
This book captures notes, ideas, insights, that do not initially fit into or haven't been sorted into one of the other books. These are drafts of what, later, might be a complete commentary, but, for today, are raw and unedited. Book: ElucidateMount Stupid is a classic demonstraction of how the limits of knowledge can cause one to make a fool of themselves. Book: Knowledge HorizonsThere are many very simple things, that are terribly obscure, until you learn them. They may be the simplest algorithm or heuristic, easy and quick to apply, but are usually either "known" or "unknown". This section is a set of practical knowledge that I've picked up over the years and wish that someone had told be about them a long time ago. Book: Practical KnowledgeOne of the folders in my file cabinet is titled: It Is To Laugh!
It contains cartoons, articles, and notes about things that cause me a chuckle.
These commentaries, typically sarcastic, are my venting of humor at the ridiculousness I have encountered
As corporations grow and "mature" the "people in charge" get more and more distant from the actual work and needs of the business. They focus on "what they know", often to the detriment of the business. Book: BossesAs I originally published my commentaries, there were some that both I and my readers found to be "don't forget" ones. Book: Classic CommentariesThese are commentaries that wander off the usual path. Book: Free Range